Lake Toba In Sumatra
Lake Toba is the world's largest caldera lake in the province of North Sumatra, a 176 km to the West of the city of Medan. The largest lake is Lake Toba in Indonesia (90 x 30 km2) and is also a tectonic volkano-Caldera (a giant Crater volcanic activity report) quarters of the world's largest. The caldera was formed by the process of amblasan (collapse) after the eruption of the Toba supervolcano, Ancient volcanic activity report is then filled by rainwater.
Lake Toba had a length of 87 km northwest-southeast direction with a width of 27 km with an elevation of 904 meters above sea level (a.s.l.) and the depth of the Lake is the deepest 505 yards. In the middle there is Lake Toba Samosir island with elevations ranging between 900 to 1,600 meters above sea level, the lake formed by the basic assumption of the post Caldera eruptions occurring at the 74,000 years ago, as the end of the process of achieving a new equilibrium of post-eruption of the caldera supervolcanoes.
The Toba Caldera wall has a bumpy hills to steep morphology and valleys formed the morphology of the plains with the caldera rim watershed DTA Lake Toba catchment area (catchment area) 3.658 km2 and the surface area of Lake losses km². This catchment shaped hills (43%), the mountains (30%) with a peak altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level (27%) as a place of community activities.
At first, the year 2011 the name proposed by the name of geopark Geopark Toba, but in its development given that the value of world heritage is a legacy of the eruption of a super volcano Toba global impact of Lake Toba which no other is a quarter of the world's largest Caldera, the proposed name of the geopark in 2013 with the name Toba Caldera Geopark.
Toba Caldera Theme brings the geopark volcanic activity report (supervolcano) and uniqueness as Caldera Volkano-world's largest Quaternary Tectonics. This area covers parts of the administration area of seven counties that have beaches on the Lake Toba caldera rim are delimited by the districts of Samosir, Toba Samosir Regency, a Regency of Dairi Regency, Regency of Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Tapanuli Regency and Simalungun Regency.
Category: Sumatra
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